FGO Sometimes It Feels Like Berserkers Are All You Need in This Game 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/22(土) 11:19:57 Title: Sometimes It Feels Like Berserkers Are All You Need in This Game このゲームのアタッカー全部... 2024.09.06 FGO
Fate It’s Natural that Mordred Can’t Compete with Mythological Powerhouses 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/22(土) 17:07:40 Thread about the Red Saber 赤のセイバースレ 2: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/22(土) 17:08:40 Seems popular ... 2024.09.05 FateFGO
FGO Which Servants Have True Names That Are Easy to Guess Just by Looking? 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/22(土) 01:21:19 It feels like there are more Fate characters recently that you can't immediately tell... 2024.09.04 FGO
FGO I Really Need More Caster Gems, So I Hope the Lottery Event Comes Soon 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/21(金) 23:58:35 I miss the lottery events. 箱イベが恋しい 2: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/21(金) 23:59:12 The lottery eve... 2024.08.24 FGO
FGO Pretenders Could Be Easily Mass-Produced If It’s Just About Taking on Roles 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/20(木) 10:41:13 At first, I thought "Pretender" was "Britender." 最初はプリテンダーのことブリテンダーだと思ってました 2: 人類最後の名... 2024.08.22 FGO
FGO “Disagreeing with Official Interpretations Can Be Part of the Fun, As Long As It Doesn’t Turn Into Hate” 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/19(水) 13:55:58 I’m always worried that one day I might say something like, “The official interpretat... 2024.08.22 FGO
FGO I Want to See a Holy Grail War with Servants Like These 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/20(木) 09:39:44 I Want to See a Holy Grail War with Servants Like These こんな感じの聖杯戦争が見たい 2: 人類最後の名無し 20... 2024.08.21 FGO
FGO New Master for Just Under a Month, and I Can’t Beat the Showa-Era Anime Robot in Olympus—Please Help 31: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/19(水) 23:49:12 I’ve been playing for just under a month, but I can’t seem to defeat that Showa-era ... 2024.08.21 FGO
FGO Aren’t the 2022 Summer Servants All Too Strong? 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/20(木) 08:00:04 Isn’t everyone really strong? みんな強くない? 2: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/20(木) 08:01:52 Yeah, they ... 2024.08.21 FGO
FGO Servant Scents: Are They Really Odorless? 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/19(水) 17:33:58 Foreigners seem like they’d smell really nice. フォーリナーっていい匂いしそう 2: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/19... 2024.08.20 FGO