FGO Nine-Tattoo Eliza Is Cute, but the Other Eliza with Only a Sprite Is Cute Too 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/21(金) 23:52:29 The Loli Eliza gets a lot of attention, but I think this Eliza is also cute. 口リエリちゃんば... 2024.08.25 FGO
FGO Male Servants Are Still Popular, but Oberon’s Popularity Is Especially Remarkable 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/20(木) 20:51:51 is still at the top. 相変わらずトップのオベロン 2: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/20(木) 20:52:42 I mean, people ... 2024.08.25 FGO
FGO Isn’t Wielding Two Spears Like Diarmuid’s Style Hard to Use? 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/18(火) 02:09:53 Isn't using two spears a bit cumbersome? 槍二本って使いづらくね? 2: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/18(火) 02:12... 2024.08.25 FGO
FGO Abby’s Black Cat Pancake Song is So Soothing It Makes Your Ears Happy 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/20(木) 02:06:26 I really like the Pancake Song. パンケーキの歌いいよね 3: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/20(木) 02:15:48 I’d lo... 2024.08.24 FGO
FGO I Really Need More Caster Gems, So I Hope the Lottery Event Comes Soon 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/21(金) 23:58:35 I miss the lottery events. 箱イベが恋しい 2: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/21(金) 23:59:12 The lottery eve... 2024.08.24 FGO
FGO Toyonaga Toshiyuki, Oberon’s Voice Actor, Is Really Good at Singing, Isn’t He? 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/21(金) 17:32:26 Q. What's Oberon's theme song? Q.オベロンのテーマソングといえば? 2: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/21(金) 17:33:21 ... 2024.08.24 FGO
FGO Kiara Sessyoin May Not Be Trustworthy, But She’s a Reliable Ally 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/15(土) 14:40:20 Kiara Sessyoin ThreadEven chapter-level bosses can be dealt with in the palm of her h... 2024.08.24 FGO
FGO Are There a Lot of People Nowadays with a Bust Size Like Passionlip’s? 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/19(水) 13:22:12 Thread about Passionlip パッションリップスレ 2: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/19(水) 13:24:58 There are quite... 2024.08.24 FGO
FGO Is Gudako Getting Too Old to Dress as a High School Girl? 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/20(木) 12:39:09 (20) (20) 2: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/20(木) 12:39:38 She seems like the type who’d repeat a y... 2024.08.23 FGO
FGO Mata Hari’s Animation Update Would Be Great, Even If She’s Low-Rarity 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/21(金) 07:38:15 I get the feeling they’ve decided not to update certain animations. モーション改修をやらない意志を感じ... 2024.08.23 FGO