

Is Gudako Getting Too Old to Dress as a High School Girl?

1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/20(木) 12:39:09 (20) (20) 2: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/20(木) 12:39:38 She seems like the type who’d repeat a y...

Mata Hari’s Animation Update Would Be Great, Even If She’s Low-Rarity

1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/21(金) 07:38:15 I get the feeling they’ve decided not to update certain animations. モーション改修をやらない意志を感じ...

We Need an Event Where Ozymandias Accompanies Us Throughout

1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/20(木) 20:59:01 People often talk about Qin Shi Huang, but Ozymandias also doesn’t get much screen ti...

Who Would Win in Strip Rock-Paper-Scissors: Roland or Gilgamesh?

1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/21(金) 12:18:12 Roland and the King of Heroes(Gilgamesh) in a game of strip rock-paper-scissors—who w...

Could It Be That EMIYA Summoned to Chaldea Is Enjoying His Servant Life the Most?

1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/20(木) 22:28:22 Could it be thatEMIYA summoned to Chaldea isn’t enjoying himself as much as in his pa...

I Just Want a Servant, Even If It’s Not Perfect

1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/21(金) 04:25:13 I Just Want a Servant, Even If It’s Not Perfect この程度いいからサーヴァントがほしい 2: 人類最後の名無し 2022/1...

Pretenders Could Be Easily Mass-Produced If It’s Just About Taking on Roles

1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/20(木) 10:41:13 At first, I thought "Pretender" was "Britender." 最初はプリテンダーのことブリテンダーだと思ってました 2: 人類最後の名...

“Disagreeing with Official Interpretations Can Be Part of the Fun, As Long As It Doesn’t Turn Into Hate”

1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/19(水) 13:55:58 I’m always worried that one day I might say something like, “The official interpretat...

I Want a Standalone Saiga Mitsuki Servant, Not Just Huang Feihu’s Sons

1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/14(金) 09:54:01 4-Child Father 4児のパパ 2: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/14(金) 09:54:34 Isn’t this guy seen in a sexu...

What Can Be Done to Make Eiríkr Shine?

1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/20(木) 13:33:47 What Can Be Done to Make Eiríkr Shine? エイリークが輝くにはどうすればいいのか 3: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/20(木) ...