

We trust Daybit is a good guy because Pepe fell for him

1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/23(日) 14:01:18 Since Pepe is into him, there's no doubt that Daybit must be a good man. ペペさんが惚れてるからい...

It’s really great that Swimsuit Erice is useful for regular gameplay, like in irregular quests

1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/22(土) 22:10:44 It's great that she's useful in regular gameplay. 比較的普段使い出来るの有難い 4: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/...

Sometimes It Feels Like Berserkers Are All You Need in This Game

1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/22(土) 11:19:57 Title: Sometimes It Feels Like Berserkers Are All You Need in This Game このゲームのアタッカー全部...

People often say that a rational Hercules would be too strong to be released, but with the recent power creep, it doesn’t seem like it would be an issue anymore

1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/22(土) 22:47:11 People often say that a rational Hercules would be too strong to release, but with th...

Are There More Sides of Gilgamesh Beyond the Hero and Wise King?

1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/21(金) 18:13:58 They mentioned handling anything except Lancer, but are there plans for more versions...

It’s Natural that Mordred Can’t Compete with Mythological Powerhouses

1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/22(土) 17:07:40 Thread about the Red Saber 赤のセイバースレ 2: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/22(土) 17:08:40 Seems popular ...

Which Servants Have True Names That Are Easy to Guess Just by Looking?

1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/22(土) 01:21:19 It feels like there are more Fate characters recently that you can't immediately tell...

What Craft Essences Do You Equip on Castoria?

1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/22(土) 08:56:00 Posting the guy who fits Castoria the best. キャストリアに1番お似合いの男貼る 2: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/22(...

Could Taking Gareth Hostage Help Control Gawain?

2: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/17(月) 12:24:16 "Heh heh heh, no one’s gonna come save me!" へへへっ誰も助けてきちゃくれねえぜぇ 5: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/17...

Was Gilgamesh Really Jaded During the 5th Holy Grail War?

1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/16(日) 10:59:54 Why was the King of Heroes so jaded during the 5th Holy Grail War? 英雄王って5次聖杯戦争の時なんであん...