Fate Are There More Sides of Gilgamesh Beyond the Hero and Wise King? 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/21(金) 18:13:58 They mentioned handling anything except Lancer, but are there plans for more versions... 2024.09.05 FateFGO
Fate Was Gilgamesh Really Jaded During the 5th Holy Grail War? 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/16(日) 10:59:54 Why was the King of Heroes so jaded during the 5th Holy Grail War? 英雄王って5次聖杯戦争の時なんであん... 2024.09.04 Fate
Fate I Think Character Popularity is More About Battle Depiction than Win-Loss Records, Looking at Emiya 55: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/17(月) 12:53:10 It's amazing how Emiya is still popular, considering his in-game track record isn't ... 2024.09.04 Fate
FGO Who Would Win in Strip Rock-Paper-Scissors: Roland or Gilgamesh? 1: 人類最後の名無し 2022/10/21(金) 12:18:12 Roland and the King of Heroes(Gilgamesh) in a game of strip rock-paper-scissors—who w... 2024.08.23 FGO